Is that all you ever want?
For you,everything just needs to be just a little better.
You fix everything, make it fit your standards.
Except me. I'm always will be not good enough for you.
I'm the disappointment, the unfix able.
Everything about me is so wrong to you. But what happens now? Is he any better? I don't think so.
I cant be exactly how you picture me. It's too much.
I may not be as skinny,as good looking or as rich as you'd like,
Or anything of the sort.
But I'd like to at least be able to love myself
Without you breathing ridicule down my neck.
You search,
You search for every little tiny mistake.
Any slight blemish, tweak, glimmer of imperfection.
And of course,
You always find something with me.
Will I ever be good enough?
Can I climb high enough for you?
No, I cant. Nor will I.I don't want to succumb to all of your ridiculous
Perceptions and ideals of how I should be.
I'm me.
I'm not good enough for you,
But I'm hoping soon enough
That I'll be good enough for myself, and only myself.
When that will happen I have no clue.
But I will work and wait,
I don't need your approval.
But will i be good enough?
We'll see.

In the end,is this every little small thing that you remember about me.
Little imperfection that makes me perfect for you. So i hope one day, you too will find your life partner who are as beautifully imperfect as i am to you.

Remember you're the one that screwed it up. Not me.
And when you see me with another,
swallow my name.
Just remember you broke me.

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